Fringe Sisters

Fringe Sisters

FRINGE SISTERS is a cooperative artist's group whose purpose is to support and nurture the individual talents of each member, to provide an atmosphere conducive to artistic risk taking, and to generate interest in fiber art through exhibiting the work of the members.

I have belonged to this art focus group since it was started in 1999.  We challenge ourselves to do projects based on a set of rules, below are some of the ones I created.


Rose by Moonlight


Each Fringe Sister was given a strange shaped black background and challenged to do something "female".  Mine is a transparent fairy leaning on a rose stem.

Growth Rings

My piece for a 'tree' challenge.


Headwaters of the Mississippi


This is part of a 31-quilt exhibit, each depicting a portion of a river.  Mine is the beginning of the Mississippi, which pours out of Lake Itaska as a small stream and meanders to the Gulf of Mexico.  My children and their cousins are sitting in the middle.


Its Your Turn


This was made for a challenge about money.  All cards and money are fabric.  Bolts of fabric are used instead of houses.  Friends and family became shop owners, including my 2 grandsons.